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Artificial Intelligence and Search Engines

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized search engines and the way they process queries, choose which results to display and rank sites in order of importance. Big Data, Algorithm, IA… How does it work?

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

In this era where digital is king, we often hear about Big Data. But what is it and above all, how is it related to artificial intelligence?

Big Data

It is the set of tools and techniques implemented to collect user data deposited in all corners of the web. That’s about 2.5 exabytes per day, hence the term Big Data. This information is collected through cookies. What purpose? They are classified to create target profiles and then sold as part of BtoC. We then speak of prospects.

But big data is not limited to the Internet. It also includes all the data concerning a company (sales, customer returns, etc.). It is with this information that algorithms will be able to detect and even predict trends.

How to use data science to accelerate the deployment of your business?

You have certainly understood from reading this article, AI and big data are now part of our life. But today, few companies are able to exploit this information and profit from it. But it is essential to make your company prosper, even if everyone does not need the same information.

A supermarket chain will therefore need to know the eating habits of its customers, but also their travel habits. They will be able to communicate with them at the right time, thus making communications more targeted and above all much more effective.

Please note that big data and artificial intelligence are not just reserved for B2C companies. B2B companies can also tap into this inexhaustible source of data. The whole problem is to find a way to do it. The French company Ryax can help you in the development of data science. No need to have an army of developers by your side, because Ryax will work in blocks, which you can add and modify according to your needs. It is then up to them to make the blocks communicate with each other. The deployment for your company with the exploitation of big data then becomes, almost as simple as a game, of the famous little brick for children.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has often been equated with a program that can perform the tasks of a human being on its own initiative. Applied to search engines, AI consists of algorithms that mimic human actions. Take an example from those software or applications that calculate your body fat and tell you if you are overweight.

The AI ​​will therefore follow a logical sequence: if you weigh such and such a kilo, and then you do such a meter, then you are overweight or not. It will be understood that this technology can be used on a daily basis!

The words Machine Learning and Deep Learning often come up when talking about AI. Used in search engines, these combine statistics with algorithms to draw conclusions in an “intelligent” way.

Imagine that the data is represented by a curve. Machine learning will allow algorithms to find results that come as close as possible to the curve and to generalize them. This is also why Machine Learning is perfect for Big Data.

Indeed, such a quantity of data can only be managed by powerful tools. And as the data grows, algorithms become more refined and learn to identify the most relevant outcomes. This is also why Big Data cannot do without AI and vice versa.

Deep Learning

Based on the human neural system, supports Machine Learning. Be careful, to use it effectively in a business, you must have a good amount of data to prepare the algorithms. The closest example remains video recognition.

In the example of a wanted person, thanks to Deep Learning, the algorithms will identify all the people meeting the profile (size between the eyes, cheeks, etc.). Be careful not to import irrelevant data, since the algorithms could establish a relationship between the initial data and the new data by dint of searching.

Artificial intelligence and Google

Impossible not to mention Google which monopolizes more than 70% of Internet searches. Through numerous projects, the Internet leader has taken advantage of artificial intelligence to make its robots even more efficient.

Google brain

Google Brain is a research project on deep learning carried out in 2013. Very successful, this project has revolutionized the world of the Internet in just nine months. Android Jellybean was the start of a long list. A 25% drop in the error rate was observed in text messages dictated via voice recognition.

Google Translate has also benefited from an improvement from Google Brain. The translations of this Google tool have gained relevance.


It is an algorithm based on artificial intelligence, the objective of which is to help search engines better understand the queries of Internet users, even the most complex. How does it work?

In fact, Rankbrain will translate web writing data into mathematical data: vectors. If an unknown vector appears, rankbrain will compare it with the surrounding vectors.

If you type in the search bar: “why redo the facade of my house?” », As a result, Google will tell you why you need to do a facelift.

Artificial intelligence and Qwant

Maybe you have already heard of Qwant? It is in fact a made-in-France search engine that appeared in 2013. Its main objective is to compete with Google. An idea that does not seem so far-fetched given the 300% increase in searches carried out on Qwant in recent years.

How is it different from Google?

Qwant this is not a personal data hunting tool. Indeed, we leave it all over the web with the multiple searches that we carry out every day. With Google, this personal data (the most visited sites, browsing histories, etc.) are collected and then sold to advertisers.

Qwant’s business model is quite different. Advertisements are offered when the Internet user enters their search in the search bar. It is when this one clicks on one of them that the engine is paid.

This French competitor of Google wants to be neutral. The sites are indexed according to the ranking algorithms. We are far from the policy according to which content is classified according to its commercial, moral, or political aspects.

How does he use artificial intelligence?

A few years ago, Qwant bought DGX-1 supercomputers from Nvidia which are equivalent to 250 servers. With this arsenal, web crawlers can identify and classify data.

With artificial intelligence, video recognition tools can determine if a video is about news, sports, or other things, without these having been specifically programmed. This is the very essence of Artificial Intelligence! The tools are smart and work by themselves.

Regardless of the search engine Google, Bing, Qwant … A significant part of the SEO consultant’s work must be devoted to technology watch and training. The search algorithms are updated approximately 200 times a day!

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